
Name Date published Author
Understanding and applying long-term GDP projections June 2016
The People’s Republic of China and Global Imbalances from a View of Sectorial Reforms November 2012
The Global Financial Crisis and What it Means for Bangladesh February 2012
The Dodd-Frank Act and Basel III: Intentions, Unintended Consequences, and Lessons for Emerging Markets October 2012
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: Multilateralism on the Silk Road January 2016
Take-off, Persistence, and Sustainability: The Demographic Factor of Chinese Growth April 2015
State of the Bangladesh Economy: Analysis of the National Budget FY2011-12 February 2012
State of the Bangladesh Economy in the run‐up to the National Election 2008 February 2012
Sovereign Risk: A Macro-Financial Perspective October 2012
Risk-On/Risk-Off, Capital Flows, Leverage, and Safe Assets January 2013
Regional Financial Arrangements and the International Monetary Fund November 2012
Reconciling China’s official statistics on state ownership and control May 2016
Recent Monetary Policy Statement of Bangladesh Bank (July 2009): An Analytical Commentary February 2012
Price of Daily Essentials: A Diagnostic Study of RecentT Trends February 2012
OTC Derivatives Market in India: Recent Regulatory Initiatives and Open Issues for Market Stability and Development February 2012
Navigating a Changing World Economy: ASEAN, the People’s Republic of China, and India January 2013
Modelling the potential impacts of economic reform in a partnership between Australia and China June 2016
How Should We Bank With Foreigners?—An Empirical Assessment of Lending Behavior of International Banks to Six East Asian Economies October 2012
How Low-Carbon Green Growth Can Reduce Inequalities May 2013
Green Growth and Equity in the Context of Climate Change: Some Considerations July 2012