Analytical Review of Bangladesh’s Macroeconomic Performance in Fiscal Year 2011‐12

Independent Review of Bangladesh’s Development
JEL codes: 

The present document seeks to trace the emerging trends in the Bangladesh economy in the fiscal year 2011-12 (FY12). To this end, the paper first establishes the benchmark conditions of the current fiscal year by sketching a consolidated picture of FY11 with an analysis of the year-closing data. The document then attempts to analyse the early signals of the current fiscal year. With a view to highlight the major challenges facing the Bangladesh economy in the FY12, the paper focuses on four critical issues. These are the followings:
a. Implications of the new wave of global economic crisis
b. Deepening stresses in public finance management
c. Unabated price inflation, and
d. Increasing pressure on the balance of payment
The document rounds up by drawing lessons from the foregoing analyses and by putting
forward a number of policy suggestions to deal with the identified macroeconomic concerns.